Established in 2016, and first  incorporated in 2018 by Malawian Government, Farmers Voice Africa (FAVOA) is a dynamic, forward-thinking and youth-led non governmental Organization dedicated to transforming agriculture, empowering rural communities, and driving sustainable development across Africa. With a strong focus on poverty reduction, gender equality, and environmental stewardship, FAVOA harnesses innovative solutions, partnerships, and grassroots engagement to create lasting impact.


Our mission is to uplift emerging markets by empowering small-scale farmers, youth, and women through holistic agricultural solutions, capacity building & development, and innovative ventures.


FAVOA envisions vibrant communities where sustainable farming practices, economic growth, and social inclusivity are the cornerstones of progress.


FAVOA's impactful journey is guided by a dedicated Board of Trustees, led by The chairperson Prof. G.Y. Kanyama Phiri, former Vice Chancellor of LUANAR and current Chairman of MUBAS, and The Secretariat team led by the president Mr. Brighton ZAKALIA Jelemoti, the Visionaire of FAVOA. Our leadership brings together diverse expertise from academia, agriculture, business, and development, ensuring effective governance, strategic direction, and ethical stewardship.


  1. Empowering Small-Scale Farmers: FAVOA has established FAVOA-Farmer Cooperative Unions (FCUs) that unite smallholder farmers, providing them with access to resources, training, and market linkages. Our focus on FCUs fosters collective action, enhances bargaining power, and strengthens community resilience.

  2. Youth Empowerment: Through the FAVOA Youth Networks in Agriculture (FAYoNA), we inspire and train young leaders in agribusiness, promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership skills. FAYoNA envisions a new generation driving agricultural transformation.

  3. Innovative Ventures: FAVOA Innovations and Investments Group (FIIG) pioneers energy solutions, agribusiness ventures, and community-focused projects that amplify agricultural productivity, energy access, and economic growth.

  4. Gender Justice: FAVOA integrates gender justice principles into all initiatives, ensuring that women are empowered as key drivers of change in agriculture and rural development.


At FAVOA, we adopt a multifaceted approach to achieve our mission:

  1. Capacity Building: We provide tailored training programs, technical assistance, and mentorship to equip farmers, youth, and women with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly changing agricultural landscape.

  2. Innovative Technologies: FAVOA leverages cutting-edge technologies to enhance agricultural practices, energy access, and value addition, promoting sustainable production and market competitiveness.

  3. Partnerships: Collaborating with governments, NGOs, academic institutions, and private sector stakeholders, we create synergies to scale our impact, share best practices, and drive systemic change.

  4. Advocacy and Policy: FAVOA advocates for policies that support small-scale farmers and youth in agriculture, contributing to a conducive environment for growth, innovation, and poverty reduction.


Our impact is evident through increased agricultural productivity, improved livelihoods, reduced poverty, enhanced energy access, and empowered communities we are working with. FAVOA's initiatives have positively affected the lives of thousands, creating a ripple effect of sustainable change.


FAVOA's interventions directly contribute to multiple United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).


FAVOA has garnered recognition for its innovative approach and sustainable impact. We are proud to have collaborated with esteemed partners such as Government ministries and agencies like Agriculture, Labour, ADMARK, TEVETA, NFRA, AHCX, MAIIC, EDF, LUANAR, UNIMA, MWICA, and private institutions and NGOs like Clinton Foundation, Global Leadership Network, ECOGEN Ltd, HavenPlus Technologies, Dzanja Organization, African Improved Foods(AIF), Farmers Organization (FOL), Project Innovation Center (PIC), GUYUE Machineries, Nyasa Processing and Machineries Ltd, ECAM and Elitek Solar company.  Our efforts have been acknowledged through awards, grants, and media coverage.


As we continue our journey, FAVOA remains committed to catalyzing positive change in agriculture, energy, and rural development. By empowering individuals and communities, we envision a future where Africa's potential is fully realized, and prosperity is shared by all.

How to be part of FAVOA?

Be part of FAVOA by downloading and filling the attached membership form for individuals aspiring to benefit from FAVOA. The completed forms should be sent to:

your nearest FAVOA office or through membership@farmersvoiceafrica.org. For partnerships and support, please email us through favoa@farmersvoiceafrica.org.