FAVOA Cooperative Unions (FCUs)

At the heart of our mission lies the empowerment of small-scale farmers, the backbone of agriculture. Farmers' Cooperative Unions (FCUs) are our strategic approach to harnessing their potential, with a strong emphasis on gender justice. We firmly believe that by uniting their efforts, knowledge, and resources, these cooperatives can unlock unprecedented growth while ensuring equitable opportunities for both men and women. FAVOA's dedication has already given rise to three FCUs strategically positioned across Malawi's regions - Central, Southern, which include Zones of Influence districts, and Northern region. These FCUs serve as epicenters of progress, ensuring that FAVOA's transformative initiatives directly impact the lives of these hardworking farmers, promoting gender balance and inclusion. With FCUs as our cornerstone, we're nurturing a future where cooperatives' strength drive sustainable change in agriculture, breaking gender barriers and cultivating prosperity for all''